Empowering Smart Choices in the Digital World

Get smart about digital wellness, safety, and privacy in a 24/7 connected world

Proactive education and digital wellness support

Welcome to the virtual world, where everything we post, tweet, snap, follow and comment on can (and will) be scrutinized within minutes and for years to come. Now, more than ever, it’s time to get smart about technology and social media.



Offering preventative & proactive workshops and eLearning platforms for students, parents, teachers, sports teams, coaches and businesses.


Our engaging curriculum is driven by current digital issues which allow us to tailor content to meet the immediate needs of our audiences.
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SGS provides one-on-one support when something goes wrong online. We are trained to consult with families and facilitate conversations with our partners at the FBI and local law enforcement agencies.


Our goal is to help prepare students to reenter the online world with the tools they need to prevent future peer and predator exploitation and ensure online safety and privacy.
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SGS actively advocates for a safer online atmosphere. We have dedicated our platform to creating tools to offset the negative implications of the ever-changing digital world.


Currently, we are working to bring forth an Anti-Digital Grooming Law to make it illegal for preditors to manipulate minors and vulnerable adults for the intent of sexual gain online.
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experience excellence

Technology should work for you

SGS strives to create a world where technology works to the benefit of the user and does not replace interpersonal skills and human interaction. We work to ACTIVATE critical thinking skills; PROTECT by reducing online risks; and EMPOWER through education, communication and cooperation between students, parents and educators.

Smart Gen Society

Dedicated to raising awareness about online dangers and advocating for online safety measures.

Stay informed to stay safe online
Our Mission

To empower smart choices in a digital world

Our goal is to reduce digital-based anxiety and depression, prevent peer and predator exploitation, and ensure online safety and privacy for all.

Turn to us when the digital world gets dark we’ll help you find the light.

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