Smart Gen luncheon

Information about the 2025 Smart Gen Luncheon is coming soon.

Social Media: Its Impact on a Generation 

Please join us at our first annual luncheon with author and generational expert Dr. Jean Twenge, Ph.D.

Luncheon & Keynote

Thursday, February 8th, 2024  

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 pm 

Hilton Downtown Omaha  

1001 Cass St. Omaha, NE 68102 

Keynote: Dr. Jean Twenge

Join us for an enlightening talk by Dr. Jean Twenge, a generational expert who will discuss how social media is impacting the well-being of today’s youth.  Back in 2017, Dr. Twenge released a book called “iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy –and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood.” In her book, she warned of a mental health crisis on the horizon and outlined her hypothesis for the cause: smartphones and social media. At the time, many colleagues were skeptical and even accused her of inciting a panic with too little data to back her claims. Now, six years later, she has released a new book called “Generations,” it includes much more data to back up her original hypothesis.

At Smart Gen Society, we are dedicated to empowering smart choices in our digital world.  Dr. Twenge is the perfect speaker to help do just that. Her engaging talk – spiced with plenty of pop culture and humor- will shed light on the relationship between technology use and well-being. You will walk away with solid ideas to help achieve a better balance with technology to improve well-being and mental health.

Dr. Twenge is Professor of Psychology at San Diego State University, and the author of more than 180 scientific publications and books. Her research has been featured in Time, Newsweek, The New York Times, USA Today, U.S. News and World Report, The Atlantic and the Washington Post. She has appeared on every major news network. Her work has been cited in numerous academic journals and has been used by policymakers and educators around the world to inform their decisions. We are excited to have Dr. Twenge speak at our inaugural luncheon and share her insights with our community. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from one of the leading experts on generational change and the impact of technology on our lives!

Dr. Jean Twenge, Ph.D

Event Sponsors

Interested in sponsoring the 2024 Smart Gen Luncheon?  Check out our 2024 Sponsorship Opportunities or email

Empowerment Leader

Digital Defender

Ricketts-Shore Charitable Fund

Smart Choice Champion

Stephen F Dwyer Memorial Foundation

Tech Positive Partner

Critical Thinker Contributor

Trenton Magid | NAI NP Dodge

Amy Hannesson

Margaret Johnson Family

Lori Bruck and Dave Neubauer

Digital Friend

Rensch Group / NP Dodge Real Estate / Mari and Jeff Rensch

Tom and Tamara Foley Charitable Fund

Jessica and John Brumbach

Steve Kenny and Julianne Kavanaugh Kenny Charitable Fund

Dan Hamann

Jen and Darin Taylor

Tyler and Lisa Owen

ClippedIn LLC

Tammy Blossom