Parenting the Smart Gen

Parenting the Smart Gen

We encourage parents to help their children be intentional when it comes to time spent behind their devices.
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Course Description

We know screen time is having a huge impact on our children’s social, emotional, physical, and mental well-being.   We encourage parents to help their children be intentional when it comes to time spent behind their devices.   Below you’ll find resources on how to set up screen time limitations on your devices.  

iOS 12.2 Apple Screen Time

Android 9 Digital Wellbeing

Setting up Apple Screen Time on an iPad

Setting up Apple Screen Time on a iPhone

Setting up Android Digital Wellbeing

While monitoring the impact screen time can have on an invididual it is also important to recongize what is on the screen.  By reporting nude or sexually-exploitive images or videos seen online to the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children’s CyberTipline you can request for assistance in removing the content. There are also resources to report the content to the site or app it is on. For specific instructions regarding removal of inapporiate content of you or someone else, locate the app guide here

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200 $